
The word liberty can mean different things to different people. To some, it means the ability to choose one’s own path in life. For others, it means a person’s right to be left alone by other people. There are many different definitions of the word liberty and understanding them all is important in order to know what the word really means and why it is important in our society today.

What are Freedom & Liberty?

What one person may interpret as the meaning of freedom, another may not. This is why it is important to understand what the definition of freedom is to you. In my opinion, freedom is the ability to live your life without being restricted in any way. To be free, one must not be restricted by any other person. A free individual is allowed to do what they want without restriction, and they are also able to make decisions for themselves, acting on those decisions without being concerned about the consequences.

How do You Protect Your Freedom?

As an American you should not be afraid to speak your mind at any time about any situation, you have the right to freedom of speech. You should also not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if it is unpopular. If you have a religious belief or you feel that something commonplace in our society is unjust, speak your mind! It’s important to share your opinion because it opens dialogue. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether or not you agree with the individual who debates with you, after you both have had an opportunity to express your views on the subject.

Expressing your self is one thing, but protecting yourself is another; and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution ensures the government is well aware of our right to keep and bear arms. We must remind government that the wording is “shall not be infringed…”. If children are not safe with guns it is because no-one has taught them how to be safe with guns, and if they’re using them in a negative manner: perhaps their problem is how they were raised. We as Americans, myself included, need to stop allowing any of our youth to feel that they are alone. It’s time to stop saying “I want this” or “I’m afraid of x, y, z situation…” and actually treat your neighbor as a fellow American. Have community events where children can interact with one another and socialize. Enjoy your Liberty; but please, please, don’t limit the Liberty of generations to come with poor decisions.

“Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.” – Hubert H. Humphrey.


Liberty and Freedom are common words in our vocabulary, but how often do you ever really think about what either of them mean to you; or even, what they could mean to your posterity? We as Americans need to hold our officials more accountable and ensure that there is no deficit each and every year, and that we are making money rather than losing money, and going further into debt. I believe that it is important for every American to know what liberty means. The definition of liberty is freedom from something. It can be freedom from anything, such as from being enslaved. In America, we have a lot of freedoms that many other countries do not have, and there are less and less countries with Constitutions at all. Our liberties include the right to trial by jury, freedom of speech, freedom to keep and bear arms, freedom to peacefully petition government, and many more. However, they could all be gone in the blink of an eye.